#FlattentheCurve the scientists said,
Do your part to distance, stay inside
So that fewer people will be dead.
Many complied, seeing it as their duty,
Others scowled about the hits to their street cred,
Or their plans on Spring Break to get unruly.
Claiming they'd only stop plans…
"over my dead body."
Oh my, is it lost on you,
the incredible irony?
Still others fought back, claiming a widespread hoax
But do you really think that the entire world
would voluntarily grind to a halt
Just for early April Fool's Jokes?
Only time can truly tell
who the real #Covidiots shall be,
Emerging (or not) from this trying spell.
Then on the flip side…
#EmbraceYourCurves, the feminists
have been more vocal in saying,
Now messages of self-love replacing
the constant drumbeat of self-criticism
That nonstop in my head
for a lifetime had been playing.
For a moment, I wonder whether
these two curved messages compete,
Even while in the zeitgeist,
They remain on repeat?
[Though at the moment, one much louder than the other.]
But then I realize they are actually
Far more compatible (than not)
While on the surface, the first
may seem quite inflexible,
while the other more fluid,
Really, both are rooted in compassion,
For each other and the greater good.
Being on the #Quaranteam
should be a matter of civic pride
Upholding our respect for the safety
of others, and frontline workers
Is not something we should hide.
And if in the process of
Gym- and germ-avoiding,
panic-baking & -eating,
we happen to notice
our weight increasing;
So be it….pounds can be shed,
But unlike waistlines and plans,
Lives cannot be recovered
(once pronounced dead).
So in this time of great plot swerves
Is it the worst thing if we happen to
Gain ourselves some extra curves
(Whether on our bodies or journeys)?
The way I see it, it all
Just gives us more to embrace….
Whether change, pounds or wrinkles
Can we bring ourselves to face
them as invaluable deposits in the jar
of a life lived fully and presently
Rather than an endless race to afar?
[Image credits: @xtotl, @thespinofftv, @davegranlund, @redcurvygurl, @stayhomesavelives]