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Writer's picturePreetum

Gratitude for My Extended Stay in the Guesthouse of Growth & Grace

As I celebrate the completion of my 43rd rotation around the sun, I'm grateful to say that I've managed to earn an extended stay in Mother Earth's Guesthouse for 4 decades and counting. Something that for much of the last several years of turbulence (on levels both micro and macro) was neither guaranteed, nor something I take for granted anymore.

The inspiring Sufi poet Rumi offers in his timeless poem, “The Guesthouse” that:

"This being human, is a guesthouse

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

Some momentary awareness comes

As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!”

So yes, I've learned to embrace all of the visitors and experiences along the way – not just the joys and triumphs, the sunshine, the tailwinds, the abundance of hugs and laughter. But also the sorrows, the (physical) pains, the (heart) aches, the torrential storms, the strong head winds, the stumbles, the bruises and unexpected plot twists.

Because all of it has contributed to invaluable memories and lifelong growth and learning along the way, and indeed, as Rumi foretold back in the 13th century, “each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”

I look forward to seeing what this next year has in store, taking it one day, one hour, one breath at a time. Remaining ever open to the unfolding, and eager to meet this next set of visitors and characters who may contribute to the blossoming of even more opportunities for learning, growth, helping me realize my full potential and blaze entirely new trails.

Thank you to my mom for enduring those grueling 9 months and those intense labor pains to bring me here. And to my family, my friends, and to Mother Earth for tolerating 43 years of my quirks and antics and still granting me a space in this gracious guesthouse of growth and grace. 🙏🏼

Here’s to 43 years more or however long y’all will have me. I promise to do my best to be a good guest, and try to leave this home an even better place than when I found it. 🙏🏼❤️🤗🌍




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