Upon the formal arrival of Spring,
I've been humbled to bear witness to
So much evidence of The Great Turning.
While humankind is locked down in fear,
Keeping the streets, skies, water and land
Infinitely more clear,
Mother Nature seems to be flourishing
Proving its ability to persevere.
In Italy, the empty waterways have ushered in
The return of swans, fish and dolphins;
In China, the cleaner air has locals wondering
Where all this time that beautiful blue sky has been?
Could these be encouraging signs
of Mother Earth cheering us humans on,
To keep going through this cold darkness,
Towards a brighter dawn?
While also reminding us that the work left to do
Is to let go of the life that we once knew.
Just as trees shed leaves past their prime
We've got to let go of all the toxic ways
we commit planetary (and humanitary) crime.
Just as the rest of Nature regenerates
Maybe if we also slow down, let go and grow anew,
Could we also enjoy the same fate?
Evidence of this is all around us blooming
Which may seem in stark contrast to the threats to
Human life that are currently still looming.
But Spring reminds us that
Out of frigid wintry rest and repose
When one cycle ends,
An opportunity for a new one grows.
So even in death comes the
Opportunity to bring forth new life;
May we allow new healthier ways to
rise up out of all this strife.
What Mother Nature is trying to make clear
is that it's possible,
We can and will persevere.
#NeverthelessShePersisted can be said
for both Mama Warren and Mama Earth
But will history look back and say the same
For us humans, the catalyst for our rebirth?
May it be so, with the arrival of Spring,
That we be reminded and inspired of the
Prospect of a Great Reawakening.