How is it that
Time can feel so slow
While also super fast?
1.5 months under lockdown
Have already passed.
With some health curves flattening,
While those jobless are increasing,
People naturally are wondering,
How much longer will this last?
The uncertainty overhead looms
Over how much longer
We’ll be forced to stay
Indoors, in our rooms
Under what conditions we’ll
Be able to safely resume life,
Under which the economy
Can once again boom?
Or under which we may
Continue to suffer more strife?
To what end?
When will it all end?
IF ever?
Multi-tasking in survival mode has
Us losing track of time
While the cloak of uncertainty
Has us feeling stuck in pause.
Desperately wanting to fast-forward
Or maybe even rewind
To days with more ease
And far less disease;
Suddenly embracing,
waxing nostalgic even
For the once-dreaded daily grind!
When can we return?
Should we return?
Or is this a time we should instead
Consider a U-turn?
A detour off of the well-worn path
In light of COVID’s aftermath?
(To be continued....)