They say that sometimes, after a while of being together, you start to walk alike, talk alike, and even dress alike.
Which is only fitting, because this December will mark 6 years in SF, and 9 years in the Bay Area. My longest “relationship” to date in my adult life. 😉
Sure, it’s been one helluva rollercoaster ride, but we must be doing something right, because even after all these years, and the endless plot twists within them (or maybe because of them?) WE’RE. STILL. STANDING.
[Cue Elton John: "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"]
Happy 9th Anniversary, SF Bay Area, and a big thank you to all who have made my time here so memorable. Here’s to many more unique, colorful, quirky memories together in the years ahead.
P.S. -- for those who say that the colorful soul of SF has died, I say it is still very much alive and kicking, and in full spectrum technicolor. Sometimes you just need to be willing to look up, down and all around. 👀💃🏻🕺🏻🌈
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