"We are all just walking each other home." -- Ram Dass
As the sun sets on 2021, I find myself reflecting less on what I achieved this year, but more on the company I kept along the way. 😊
A big thank you to those of you who were a part of my journey this year, and who helped in ways both big and small -- to help me come back home to my authentic self, especially on those occasions where I may have strayed or forgotten my way, or just felt really thrashed around by the choppy waters of another tumultuous year. 🌊
So, whether we had the opportunity to physically walk together (masked and socially distanced), or share space virtually through the magic of technology, I'm so grateful for these "walks" to help keep one another sane and entertained. 🤗🙏🏼
Here's hoping that 2022 will bring us more opportunities to connect more deeply and meaningfully, whether IRL or virtually (keep those messages and memes a comin'!).
May 2022 also be a year of calmer, warmer and more peaceful waters. But if not, I'll look forward to being in good company with y'all to hold one another up during those inevitable surfing lessons, since, as Jon Kabat-Zinn says, "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." 🏄🏻♀️🏄♂️
Here's to more laughter, levity, humility, learning, growth, capacity building, resilience, and above all, deep meaningful connections that help bring us back home to ourselves and one another, and remind us of what we're truly capable of, when we journey together. 👣👣
Wishing you all a safe, peaceful, joyful start to 2022!